Website Development

  • Posted on October 21, 2021
  • News
  • By Russell Richardson

planning and developing websites with PC Drama

The challenge of web design without content

What are your goals for your website? 

  • Why do you want a website? 
  • Do you want to add a feature to an existing website? 
  • If your site is down and your last web developer is MIA; we can help manage or recover your website.

Which comes first, the site or the content? 

This way of thinking could quickly become a chicken or egg battle between a client and developer. With great content comes great responsibility and having great content is the key to preventing the unnecessary loss of valuable time. Without website content, a client will typically ask for their site to "look cool" or to “copy another website.”  This is a rabbit hole full of trouble because writers and developers are not synonymous. Asking a developer to build a site without providing any content will result in a longer than expected wait time and increase the total cost.

Delivering your ideal website

In a perfect situation, a client would provide all content in a page-by-page organized fashion at the beginning of a project, thus giving a developer something to design. Otherwise, a developer will charge an additional amount to provide written content.

With a lack of content, a developer will substitute sample content or copy a similar industry-related website. Sample content creates a problem because clients will critique this content during the design phase. In the end, a client or developer will need to scrub, replace, and rework the content for the entire website.

The basic content for a website

  • Site Name
  • Main page content: Copy, images, video, links
  • Contact details: Name, email, phone, location
  • Contact form
  • Services or products offered
  • Privacy policy

The Backend of your website (i.e. Your site is what you make of it)

Once you have the basic requirements for building a website, a backend dashboard can be used to create content and grow your web presence. Portions of your website are constant and other sections are updated as needed.


Ever click a strange link like this?

The reason Google and people prefer links with relevant keywords is the link itself.  

This URL: is preferred over

Web crawlers love alt image text, title, meta description and represent your page with a default ogimage that displays a viewable image when sharing the link.

Backlinks create visitor traffic

linking to your website from another website or social media platform. The more people share your page, the more visitors. This increase in visitor traffic will increase the chances of engaging visitors, gaining a lead, or prospect to a new customer. In all instances, they're spending more time on your website.

Structured Data

There is more crawler info that would benefit a page than what can be seen. Structured data defines a page to crawlers and enables you to feature a video or an image within the link preview when searching Google.


I want to believe that functionality is only as good as the ideas backing the website. 

What happens when a lead fills out your contact form?

Do they get a welcome message or a response that gives them a shared file or pdf? 

Do they get a follow-up message asking them for more details in a personal way? 

Perhaps you need a connection to grab and update ticker data from the NASDAQ or an oil well calculator to justify the next Joint Venture? 

Technical Consultant

Russell Richardson

I offer web tools and solutions that turn visitor traffic and cold leads into warm phone calls.